Monday Morning Music – Foo Fighters!

This goes out to my good pal, Kristin, who sent me a news article about Dave Grohl's keynote address at the recent SXSW music festival and conference. Grohl - currently the busiest man in showbiz -  spoke (didn't sing or play) for 55 minutes about his life and music. It was interesting to read that... Continue Reading →

Who Took the Danger Out of Rock-n-Roll?

ATTENTION MILLENNIAL GIRLS EVERYWHERE: Never fear, therockmom is here! To advise, to educate and of course, to embarrass you, as most moms are want to do. (Do what you’re good at, I say.) Yes, I know you’re sinking under a mountain of college debt. Yes, I know it’s tough to get a job or even... Continue Reading →

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